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Claremont ballots reprinted after City Council race is omitted; voters notified by robocall, email

Claremont residents ready to send in their ballots noticed a glaring error as a major city council race was left off the ballot. Claremont resident Bob Hale thought he was all set to vote in this November's midterm election.

"I think I used the word egregious because people already voted and may not realize the omission from the ballot," Hale said.

John Scott, a voter in the 4th District race, said "How did the mistake happen? So, they can make sure it doesn't happen again because it could have ramifications the way I see it in what seems to be cropping up as a tight race." The issue lies in the council district maps. The Los Angeles County Registrar Recorder's website showed streets incorrectly placed into the city's 1st District.

"The city took swift action as we heard about the issue from our residents and we reached out to the county, the county is reprinting those ballots and sending those out today along with making rob-calls and sending emails to inform affected voters," said Mayor-Pro-Tem Ed Reece. The city says those who already voted will have their ballot nullified and reissued giving them the chance to vote in the City Council race.

"Clearly making sure every eligible voter has the opportunity to do so is of utmost concern to all of us on the council and every candidate for council," candidate Jed Leano said.


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